投資是你的選擇嗎?|谷哥點名#12 投資|Is your investment really your own decision?

這次是谷歌點名活動的第十二回了,感謝 @jubi的舉辦跟熱烈參與的各位。這一次的主題為 “投資”,看到這個就想到最近比特巾的大升市,我只能說一句可惜啊,因為小弟手上沒有比特巾,反而只有一些在這一波升市當中不停下跌的虛擬貨巾。而且更什的是香港最近其中一間交易所不能提存,想要入手溝貨的渠道又少了一個。另一邊廂,中國又全面的禁止比特幣跟虛擬貨幣的交易,可以入手買貨的渠道馬上又少了幾個。

This is the 12th time I join this contest. Thanks @jubi hard work and all the support from everyone. This time, the topic is investment. When I first see this topic, it immediately let me think about the recent raise of the price for the BTC. And I just can be sad for this, as I have not held any BTC on my hand, but those alt-coin which drop so much in this period of time. What worse is there is one exchange cannot be deposited and withdrawal recently, and we have one less way to buy BTC. On the other hand, China have banned all the activity of BTC and other alt-coin, so the buying method becomes really little now.



So, when I see this topic, I do have some bad feeling on it. We always think that we are the one to control what we are investing, which is our own choice. However, if we really look it up, we will find that actually a lot of investment is not really our own choice. We do being affected by a lot of environmental or other reasons a lot of time. Just as the sample above, the business decision from others, the government policy, etc, actually forcing us not to choose our own choice.


Alright, you may think that as those things involve too much money, and that’s the reason why the entry is so difficult, choice is so less and control is so much. Alright, then let’s don’t talk about commodity, currency or cryptocurrency, let’s talk about other investment. Let’s invest our health! When we talk about health, the most important thing is of course exercise, but it can be free, and hard to compare. So, let’s talk about those health supplements.


That’s my recent experience. As my parents are getting older, and they have got some little problem on their body. And recently they joint feel a bit pain, and the doctor said this is the problem of degeneration, and taking Glucosamine can help. So, I have performed some research on it, to see which brand of supplement would be better. However, I found that most of the brand available in Hong Kong, their concentration of Glucosamine is not really high. And when I further check it, which is the government policy not letting those high concentration brands sell on the market.


At the beginning, I am think about would it be the high concentrated Glucosamine may harm the body which lead such reason? So I perform some other research on the web and cannot find any prove of it. And actually for other country out of Hong Kong, e.g. Europe or Australia, the Glucosamine product on the market have 4 times concentration more than Hong Kong, and when I see the feedback from others, it seems like the effect is even better. And that really confused me that, I was restricted even I am choosing for the investment of my health?


So, at the end, I would like to say usually we always think that our investment decision and direction is based on our own will. However, when you think deeper, you will find that it is totally not. Our mind always distracted by a lot of restriction, and most of the time our decision is made under an invisible guidance. It’s the case for investment, also for the case of our life.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier

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