最近几天都灵城的空气如中这引用的字体一般,一片灰色。本周日的逃霾计划目标 -- 意大利阿尔巴白松露节! 由于Alba小镇本身也是值得一去的旅游目的地即使在没有松露的季节,所以我将这个周日分为两篇,关于的松露的部分将专门成为一篇。
Turin hit hard by haze in these days, my friend and I planned to escape this city to visit International Alba White Truffle Fair in Alba for seizing this beautiful Sunday!
(Skyscraper designed by Massimiliano Fuksas is hidden in the haze)
目的地:Alba (Destination : Alba)
Alba位于意大利的皮埃蒙特大区,可以说是皮埃蒙特大区最有钱的地方。意大利最好的红酒:Barbaresco, Barolo, Moscato,Barbera, Dolcetto, Nebbiolo 统统来自这里!意大利最好的奶酪产自这里!在全世界卖巧克力和榛子酱的费列罗集团位于这里!鼎鼎大名的白松露的著名产地!联合国教科文组评定的世界历史文化人类遗产 -- The Langhe的首府位于这里!
Alba is a small town in Piedmont, Italy, in the province of Cuneo. It is considered the capital of the UNESCO Human Heritage hilly area of Langhe, and is famous for its white truffle, cheese and wine production(Barbaresco, Barolo, Moscato,Barbera, Dolcetto, Nebbiolo). The confectionery group Ferrero is based there.
开往山区的小火车 (Little Train to mountain area)
Since Alba is located in the hilly area of Langhe, the train is not same as the others trains connect big cities in Italy.
小城的教堂(Church in Alba)
Like any small towns or big cities in Italy. There are always several Churches in the center area to show their history and lofty faith. !steemitworldmap 44.700759 lat 8.036456 long d3scr
极具仪式感的旗帜比赛(Banner contest)
We are very luck to see a flag contest in the church square, I assume different people from different areas in Alba using their own flag to perform the show. I saw some little children also in the team.
街道上的美食(Food on the street)