In my previous post - @victory622/5lmxsk , I showed the biggest San Siro Stadium in italy. In this post, I want to share another famous stadium in Spain which is Camp Nou, which is the home stadium of FC Barcelona (The team has many fans in China). It is even bigger than San Siro, it is the largest stadium in Spain and Europe, and the second largest association football stadium in the world in terms of capacity.
在我之前的文章 @victory622/5lmxsk 里,我分享了圣西罗球场,它是意大利最大的足球场,也是无数中国球迷魂牵梦萦的地方,因为有太多人爱上足球是因为米兰的那两支球队。今天我想和大家分享一下欧洲的另一个大球场,诺坎普,巴萨的球迷要激动了,没错,这就是巴萨俱乐部的魔鬼主场,可以容纳超过9万人同时观看比赛。
If you buy the VIP ticket, you could come to Camp Nou earlier, since they provide very good food and drink for you. Also maybe you can meet some other VIP in here if you are lucky.