Typical Italian Young People Friday Night Life -- 最道地的意大利年轻人度过周五晚上的方式

As I mentioned in my previous posts, we have the tradition in our laboratory, we always go out together for drinking and eating on Friday night. Since the night life of Italian people is very different like Chinese people. Today I want to share how the typical Italian young people get through the whole Friday night in order to let the others know their night life; I also will tell the difference between Italian and Chinese young people night life.


In China, the Chinese young people always directly go to the restaurant, while the Italian young people (maybe my colleagues cannot stand for all the young Italian young people, but 80% Italian young people I known have such same manner) always go to wine bar take one glass of wine firstly before the dinner. Actually, the wine bar it is not the very high-class wine bar, it is just a wine shop where you can buy many different kinds of wine and the owner could provide you the table and chairs let you drink in the shop.




After the first glass of wine, the Italian young people always select one “Trattoria” to eat dinner, Trattoria is a kind of an Italian-style eating establishment, less formal than a ristorante, but more formal than an osteria. There are generally no printed menus, the service is casual, wine is sold by the decanter rather than the bottle, prices are low, and the emphasis is on a steady clientele rather than on haute cuisine. I think the reason is that the price and the taste of homemade. Another point is that you could eat the freshest food in here. Now is the season to eat mushroom, so the first dish and second dish in our dinner are both related to the mushrooms. During the dinner, people also will drink wine, but the wine is lighter than the first wine take before. This is a different point between Chinese people and Italian Chinese, not only for young people, Chinese people always drink a lot during the dinner. !steemitworldmap 45.0734467 lat 7.5949391 long d3scr

喝完第一杯红酒后,意大利年轻人一般会选择去一种叫做Trattoria的餐馆,比正式的意大利餐厅要随意一些,有点类似中国的私房菜馆。Trattoria这样的餐厅没有菜单,每天的食物取决于当天厨师早上采购了什么,所以都是当季最新鲜的果蔬。因为在皮埃蒙特大区,都灵的大部分Trattoria都提供传统的皮埃蒙特特色菜。因为皮埃蒙特基本全在阿尔卑斯山脚下,山里各种各样的蘑菇都在这个时候成熟, 所以今天我们的头道和二道都是和蘑菇有关的料理。在晚餐过程中同样少不了红酒,但用餐时的红酒明显要比之前喝的红酒淡很多,Trattoria里提供的红酒一般也都是自己酿造的。整个用餐过程,饮用的红酒量会很少,平均一人两杯。这个与我们国内的饭局完全不一样,我们一般在饭局上就要先喝个够。值得一提的是意大利人吃晚饭的时间特别晚,一般要八点半到九点之间才开始。






After the dinner, the whole night life just begins. Italian young people would go the area which is full of the bar to take the cocktail, beer and strong liquors. For me, take some other alcohol is not strange, I don’t understand is that why the people like take the cup stand on the street to talk with other, even during the winter; they don’t like seat in the bar. In China, the young people have more opportunity could choose, they could go to dance in the pub, drink in the music live house, also can go to singing in KTV.





I think you have a glance that the difference between Italian and Chinese young people when they go to enjoy the Friday night. Which one is your preferred way?


Please,Seize the Day! Since ......

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