爱屯咖啡屋 | Love Cafe


图片由 @wangwenjing 创建 | This image is created by @wangwenjing

在这个大雪纷飞的日子里,我们的爱屯咖啡即日起正式开业! 本咖啡店是公众帐号 @cnbuddy 旗下的一个活动。我们旨在为大家提供一个放松心情的聊天环境来吐嘈我们的公众帐号 @cnbuddy。欢迎来自地球上月球上火星上的爱喝咖啡的不爱喝咖啡的您们各位大驾光临。


本咖啡屋有三位创始人共同经营: @shenchensucc@wangwenjing@xuzhen.


2017年九月份, @wangwenjing@xuzhen 经由 @shenchensucc 介绍,加入了Steemit中文区。咖啡屋的三位主人现均居住于加拿大埃德蒙顿。自从加入这个社区,三位常常聚到一起喝个咖啡,聊一聊Steemit那些事儿。也时不时地到老道茶馆喝杯茶。有一次喝咖啡时, @shenchensucc 提议:




  1. 老道茶馆一样,爱屯咖啡屋就是一个聊天室。这个聊天室建立的目的主要是给大家提供机会聊聊我们的公众帐号 @cnbuddy。你可以来吐嘈它,也可以来表达你对它的喜欢,还可以给它提一下建议。
  2. 大家可以聊与话题相关的,或者不相关的。您可以在这里聊聊Steemit,也可以在这里谈谈写作;您可以在这里秀秀恩爱,也可以在这里吐嘈吐嘈;您可以在这里寻求帮助,也可以在这里展示才华。只有我们想不到的,没有您不能做的。当然了,以和为乐,不要中伤他人。


为答谢大家的支持,今天光顾咖啡屋的前三位顾客,每人赠送 1 SBD。


@wangwenjing 已经备上了各种咖啡,就等您的光临。

Love Cafe is officially opened today! We are here to provide a friendly and relaxed environment for small talks. Welcome everyone no matter you are from earth, moon, or Mars; no matter you like coffee or not.

Owners of this Café

Our Café is operated by three owners: @shenchensucc, @wangwenjing, and @xuzhen.

The Story of this Café

Eever since September 2017, @wangwenjing and @xuzhen have been introduced to join the Steemit cn community. The three owners are now residing in Edmonton Canada. Ever since joining this community, they drank coffee together a lot to talk about things on Steemit and went for tea from time to time at @laodr Tea House. One day, @shenchensucc suggested over the coffee that:

"Since we often get together for coffee, why not open a Café on Steemit?"

That’s how we got the idea of a café house. Edmonton is referred to as Love Country by local Chinese, so we name our café house Love Cafe. For one thing, we are at Edmonton physically; for the other, we hope our café house is able to bring love and warmth to everyone.

Operative Mechanism

  1. Like Laodr Tea House , Love Cafe is a chat room. The purpose of this chat room is to provide an opportunity to talk about our public bot @cnbuddy.
  2. It’s your choice to stick to the topic or not. For example, you can talk about Steemit or writing; you can show your love story or make a complaint; you can seek for help or show your talents. Set your imagination free! The only thing you need to bear in mind is that do not say something that hurts!

Opening Reward

In order to appreciate your support, we have door prize for the first three customers today.

Today’s Waiter

@wangwenjing has prepared a variety of coffee and welcome to show up!

爱屯咖啡屋由 @shenchensucc@wangwenjing@xuzhen 三位共同经营,感谢您的关注!欢迎您的光临!

Love Café is operated by @shenchensucc, @wangwenjing, and @xuzhen. Thanks for your attention and welcome!

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