前言 | Prelude
在我的文章“我的专属Steemit T-shirt设计”一文中,我给自己设计了一款专属Steemit T-shirt。
In my previous post “我的专属Steemit T-shirt设计”, I have showed how to design my own Steemit T-shirt. Today, I am gonna make one myself.
动机 | Motivation
如果直接购买,实在太贵了。据 @shenchensucc说,他花了40美元买了一件Steemit T-shirt。这个价格买件T-shirt,我实在接受不了。另外,加拿大不比国内,有淘宝这种神器。如果设计好了找人做,不是成批量,也非常贵。
If I purchase one directly, it'll be very costly. According to @shenchensucc, it cost him 40 American dollars for his Steemit T-shirt. I cannot accept such a high price. On the other hand, we don't have Taobao here in Canada. If I let somebody else makes it for me, it'll still cost me a bunch...
准备工作 | Preparation
I bought a plain T-shirt from H&M, which cost me 7.99 Canadian dollars. It is a short sleeve one, and you can turn it into long sleeve simply by wearing a long sleeve inside.
然后,我从Amazon.ca上买了一套fabric markers(专门在衣物上画东西用的马克笔,花了20加元,有点小贵,不过没关系,可以留着以后用)。由于用的是Prime服务(Amazon的一种会员服务),今天就到货了。唯一遗憾的是,实物笔的颜色和图片上的颜色有些差别。我需要的两种蓝色比预想的要深一些。
Additionally, I bought a set of fabric markers from Amazon, which cost me 20 Canadian dollars. Since I used Prime service, the markers arrived today. The only thing that I am not happy with is that the colors are not exactly the same as they were on the pictures. The two blue colors are a little bit darker than I wanted.
制作过程 | Procedures
After lunch, I began to make my T-shirt. The materials are as shown in the picture below. Because I can only print letter size using my printer, I cannot make my cartoon character very big.
Step 1: Cut the cartoon character out of the paper and put it on the T-shirt to locate a better position.
Step 2: Draw the outer contour line with the black marker. Since the fabric is very soft, you may wanna put some hard bard below.
Step 3: Cut the face part off the paper and draw the inner contour line with the black marker.
Step 4: Finish the rest part.
Step 5: Coloring. Since the blue markers are darker than expected, I decide to color the dress part as pink instead of light blue, in case the cartoon character looks too dark as a whole.
第六步:画上Steemit logo及签上我的ID。
Step 6: Draw the Steemit logo and my ID.
Ta-da, that’s it!
What is the most excited part of buying clothes? LOL, try them on! Here is how it looks on me. It’s night and the light is very dim, but who cares? LOL.