How to search contents from Steemit and compare the search results with other social networking sites / 如何在 Steemit 进行搜索,并且与其他社交网站的搜索结果进行对比

Steemit uses Google Custom Search Engine to provide the search services currently. Unfortunately, it's not stable sometimes. For example, when you click the search icon from top bar, you may get below error message:

Site search if temporary unavailable. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To avoid this problem, you can use Social Search Engine to complate your search.

It searchs social information from multiple social networking sites including Steemit, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Blogspot, LinkedIn and more at same time, it's also based Google Search Engine but it's very stable.

To search steemit contents, just follow below steps:

  1. Visit Social Search Engine, type your search keywords and then click Search button.
  2. The page will show all search results from multiple SNS sites by normally. Just click "STEEMIT" tab to filter steemit posts.

Steemit 提供的搜索服务,目前使用的是 Goolge Custom Engine。不过这个服务在 steemit 上非常不稳定。例如当你点击顶部的搜索按钮的时候,页面会显示:

Site search if temporary unavailable. Sorry for the inconvenience.

要避免这个问题,你可以使用 Social Search Engine(社会化网络搜索引擎) (支持中文版)来完成你的搜索。Social Search Engine 可以实时搜索各种社会化网站,提供来自 Steemit, Facebook、Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogspot 等网站的实时搜索结果。它同样是基于 Google Custom Engine 技术,但相比 steemit, 它非常稳定。

要搜索 steemit 的内容,只需根据下列步骤即可:

  1. 访问 Social Search Engine 英文版本中文版本,输入你要搜索的关键词,点搜索按钮。
  2. 页面默认会显示来自所有 SNS 网站的搜索结果,然后点击 TAB 按钮 STEEMIT 即可过滤掉其他网站结果,只显示来自 的搜索内容

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