This post is to provide a brief introduction of the recent ICO of Cobinhood and to discuss the business model as well as their management team. This is a collaboration post between @wilkinshui and @deanliu as we discussed about this new token recently. The main reason for me to do this post is not because I understand this one well, Wilkins knows more about how cryptocurrency exchage should work, it is because, to my surprise, this project has a significant Taiwan component. Let me say something before we give you some opinions on this token. Taiwan actually lags behind a lot in this new race of blockchain as its Asian neighbors accelerated during the past few years. This is probably due to her pass industrial niches residing in mostly the hardware sectors. So as I gradually come to realize the power of the soft in the coming future, I feel worried about Taiwan's future. So, for me I am very glad to see such a ambitious project burgeoning in this tech island... Let us look into it now... [you may refer to its website or articles on Medium to find out more about it.]
Cobinhood has a very simple concept in which their objective is to provide a crytocurrency trading platform without any transaction fee and to support the use of different fiat currencies. The exchange plans to make money from providing margin financing facilities in which they will charge interest if any user would like to take out loan for leveraging purpose. They also plan to help distributing ICO by selling their token to their platform user in discounted price and to charge a service fee from it. To me, this has a lot of potential to grow as in 2017, the total amount of ICO is around 2.2b USD according to Coinschedule and by taking small fee and getting a small market share already mean a good profitability for Cobinhood.
Their management team is also very impressive despite of young age. Their CEO Popo Chen, is one of the co-founder of the most successful live streaming (M17) within Asia. Two of the developers are also ex-Google employee. Recently, the company invited Tony Scott to provide business consultation in which he has a very strong resume of having worked as a CIO of Microsoft, VMware and also the US Fed Reserve in the past.
Overall, we think Cobinhood should have a very bright prospect by being the first mover to provide zero fee exchange and the ICO distributing business. Do bear in mind that this is only an ICO so never put all your investment in one basket.
這篇文章是我跟 @wilkinshui合作,主要分析內容是由他主筆,作者收入也會主要歸於他。會介紹這個未來要從事加密貨幣交易所與承銷商的Token,Cobinhood,除了是因為我最近與Wig有過一些討論之外,主要還是由於我其實常常希望能多看到一些與台灣有關的區塊鏈項目,這次好不容易看到,這個項目雖然很國際化,但許多主要成員來自台灣,所以我在情感上也希望能多幫幫忙。因為台灣過去幾年,可能是因為產業結構傾向硬體產業的關係,這類的軟的、虛的、商業類的新科技,普遍都發展的較落後,也讓人有點著急... 所以,藉由我們的討論,希望也讓更人可以認識這項目,讓華人在這方面的發展,能夠有更多機會與能見度。
Cobinhood 這個名字,應該是來自於大家熟悉的羅賓漢,Robinhood 這個英文字。如果你剛好有投資美國股票的話,你對Robinhood應該不會陌生,它們就是以無交易費用而成名的。
事實上,在傳統的交易經紀商,由於入門門檻不高,所以廉價甚至是免費的交易費用已經是非常普遍的事。可是有一樣事情你可能不知道的就是其實他們最大的盈利是融資利息費用 (Margin Financing Interest)。什麼是融資利息費用?簡單來說就是賺取借款利息,例如你今天要買100元Bitcoin,可是你發現自己只有50元,你可以問經紀商借款50元便可以買入100元Bitcoin,而你的成本便是要支付借貸的利息。
可是要注意的是此業務的風險,由於加密貨幣仍然屬於新興市場,波動性自然會比其他金融資產為高。一般來說經紀商會監控資產的價值去控制借貸風險,在資產價格下跌時,經紀商會透過保證金的制度來控制自己借貸的風險。必要時更可能會自動把客戶的部位平倉。可是假如市場發生閃電崩盤或流動性太低的時候,經紀商有可能因為未能及時平掉倉位而導致損失。比較著名的例子有 2015年歐元兌瑞士法郎閃崩,導致美國著名的外匯交易商FXCM損失超過二億美元的事件。
我們曾就此事,詢問過Cobinhood 得知他們也非常清楚箇中風險,已經聘請擁有金融背景的人負責這一項目並說明不會在未準備好的情況下貿然讓這功能上線,這樣投資人應該可以比較放心。
這是我們認為Cobinhood 最大的亮點,ICO承銷商這個商業模式就像投資銀行為客戶上市的費用。我認為假設Cobinhood如果交易平台做得好的話,其他公司絕對會有興趣透過Cobinhood幫助銷售,第一是可以立即在Cobinhood的交易平台交易,市場價值也會因此得以提升。第二就是透過Cobinhood的經驗可以幫助其他公司更容易發行成功的ICO並且因而減少不必要的費用。目前知道的是已經有五至十家的潛在ICO 正在跟他們進行商討。
根據Coinschedule 計算,目前2017年ICO 的總金額已經達到了22億美元,而假如你是加密貨幣的信徒,相信這數字未來也會持續攀升。假設保守一點用一年ICO金額30億美元做估算,假設平均每承銷一個ICO收取5% 的費用並得到10%的市場份額,這便代表大約一千五百萬美元的收益,差不多是這一次集資額的一半。加上背後也有火幣網杜均的支持,相信在中國大陸內,他們也已有一定的人際網絡,協助未來在此業務的推展吧。
說完業務模式當然也要看團隊的背景才能分析他們的執行力。整體的團隊年齡可謂相當年輕。CEO 雖然只有26歲,經驗卻已經相當豐富。其中最令人注目是,他是亞洲最大的直播媒體 M17 的創辦人。而其中兩個負責開發的也是前Google 的員工。而最近亦成功邀請有力人士 Tony Scott 站台,負責擔任顧問的角色。Tony Scott 過去曾經擔任過Microsoft,VMware和美國聯邦儲備局的CIO。這亦證明了雖然團隊年紀輕輕但執行力是非常高的。順帶一提,他們的辦公室是跟JP Morgan和 Bloomberg同在一個大樓的,這批年輕人的實力真的不容小覷啊。
images from Cobinhood and pixabay