The Steemit COCKTAIL OF THE DAY… DAY 6 -- Created For A Steemian We All Know For His Well Crafted Prose!

The Steemit


"Making a proper cocktail is an art"

For so many of us Mondays can be a drag -- back to the daily grind… So, as it comes to an end, what's better, than to unwind with a perfectly balanced cocktail.., and just let those Monday blues just slip away…

This cocktail was a unique challenge for me… I wanted to create something that would incorporate some of our, esteemed authors traits… We know that he likes vintage watches, that harken back to a time long past. We also know he can write like the wind.., beautifully crafting his thoughts to swirl around in your mind… So, like I said -- It was a challenge. Ladies -- Gentlemen -- STEEMIANS… I bring to you -- THE ALARM CLOCK DAWN

This is a riff (completely original) on a cocktail that Ernest Hemingway, himself, made famous, about life and death. I hope you all enjoy it!



  • 1 oz Hendricks Gin
  • 1/2 oz Dolin Dry Vermouth (extremely light and crisp)
  • 3-4 raspberries
  • 3-4 blackberries
  • 2-3 mint leaves
  • Absinthe Rinse
  • Top with a quality champagne (brut)
  • Chilled Cocktail (coupe) Glass Or Champagne Glass

The wicked (in a good way) and intense flavor of the absinthe combined with the lightness of the vermouth and balanced off with the sweetness of the berries… Makes this quite a unique cocktail.


  • In a mixing glass add:
  • Add raspberries, blackberries and mint leaves
  • Muddle well, very well
  • Add Gin and Vermouth
  • Shake it like a dickens -- Shake it to break it!
  • Add Absinthe to your chilled glass and swirl it around, coating the entire inside of the glass
  • Dump the absinthe out of the glass (your glass should be beautifully lined that Green Fairy)
  • Pour the contents of your mixing glass into the chilled cocktail glass
  • Fill with a quality brut champagne
  • Garnish with mint leaf and a 2 or 3 blackberries


  • An Absinthe Rinse is when you pour about a 1/4 oz of absinthe in an empty glass and swirl it around, coating the whole inside of the glass.
  • Back in the day.., in the 1830's -- at Peychauds Apothecary, where the first cocktail with absinthe was created -- The Sazerac… When the bartenders were done swirling the absinthe around the inside of the glass -- to empty the remaining absinthe, they would throw the glass up in the air and yell -- SAZERAC! 
  • So, if you feel the urge as you prepare to pamper your tastebuds… Toss that glass up in the air, and let out a hearty yell -- STEEMIT!

Funny Note: 

  • Beside the mint leaf as a garnish… I also had 3 or 4 blackberries floating around the mint -- but the cocktail waitress ate them before we snapped the photo :)) :))

Steemians you have just mixed-up a cocktail a cocktail Ernest Hemingway, himself.., would be proud to pound. Now sit back, pop open the latest chapter of our favorite novel, Alarm Clock Dawn… Enjoy.., you deserve it!


Tomorrows cocktail is still swirling around in my head.., so for now, it will have to remain a surprise… But I promise to deliver!

And don't forget to stop back tomorrow for more...

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