Coffee from around the World Peruvian Arabica from FINCA EL HUAYACAN Y LA LUCUMA grown by LUCIANO PEREZ PEREZ

Coffee from around the World Peruvian Arabica from FINCA EL HUAYACAN Y LA LUCUMA grown by LUCIANO PEREZ PEREZ


Continuing my series about green coffee I sell as green for people to roast themselves, and I also roast and sell it to wholesale and domestic customers - this week we have a Peruvian coffee from LUCIANO PEREZ PEREZ - and he even has his characture on the coffee sacks! This was part of special incentive from one of the coffee brokers I use, they offered exclusive rights to a portion of his crop to different areas in the world - in the UK I took the exclusive 300kg batch of green coffee available - that's alot of cups of coffee!


This is LUCIANO PEREZ PEREZ in person, he is 64 years old and still working hard growing coffee crops - with 10 brothers and sisters his family are all into farming one way or another.


We can learn a little more about the coffee he grows, including the tasting notes - these are flavours we should expect to find when drinking his coffee - although it all depends on how we brew it as to what flavours will develop. Certianly Cherry, Vanilla and Caramel are easy to find when drinking this coffee.


These are his green coffee beans straight from the sack, we need to roast them before we can make a lovely cup of coffee with them.


And this is how they look after I have roasted them, like most of my speciality coffee I choose to roast them light - just after the first crack of the bean I increase temperature a little to develop flavour and then release them to cool. The longer you roast coffee the darker it gets - the flavour gets stronger but you loose the subtle tastes.


We learn a little more about the coffee grower, despite growing some of the best coffee in his region he always looks to make it better still! It must be time to try it out and see what it is like.


The trusty Aeropress is the brew method of choice, the subtle flavours are really pulled out by this brew method making it ideal for tasting the flavours the grower wants us to find.


You can find plenty of guides online for the perfect ground coffee weight to hot water mix for the perfect brew, it's a delicate balance too little ground coffee and the brew will be weak - too much and it get's way too strong and you loose the best of the flavours.


I prefer using the Aeropress with the inverted technique - it allows me to infuse the ground coffee with the hot (but not boiling water - very important to use 90 degrees to 95 degrees hot water - or leave it a few minutes after the kettle is boiled)


And here is the fresh brewed coffee ready to drink, with the aeropress you fit a filter cap to it with a filter paper in - pre-moistening the filter paper with hot water keeps it in place while you fit it. The filter paper traps the ground coffee giving you a clean fresh cup.


A little more on the coffee farmer, he keeps some live stock too.


The reverse of his coffee sacks tells us more about the coffee, his plantation is Fairtrade Certified and also Soil Association Organic Certified - meeting these standards requires exceptional efforts from the growers so he has truly put everything into making his crop the best it can be.


And this is a picture of his plantation, you can see the green fruits on the coffee plant - these are called coffee cherries and will turn red when ripe - red when we talk about green coffee? The coffee cherry has two green beans inside - they sit with the flat side facing each other - so when coffee is picked they need to remove the beans from the outer fleshy cherry. How they do this also changes the flavour of the coffee - some will sun dry them, others wash them.


And now to drink some, today I'm definitely finding the chocolate and vanilla - a truly incredible coffee from a dedicated coffee grower.

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