[A Call for Participation - Collaborative Content Creation] An Article about STEEM as the world's first publicly-accessible SuperIntelligence! (Crowdfund + Liquid payout will be distributed to best creators / comments)

Crowdsourced Content Creation

So this post is my idea to showcase and demonstrate the power of the STEEM blockchain. It can be used for:-

  • Crowd-funding
  • Crowd-writing
  • Crowd-ideating
  • Crowd-organizing
  • Asynchronous Collaboration
  • A "replica" model of a massively-scaled learning human brain (superintelligence)

I think the human brain's ability to learn, communicate, and overcome obstacles is amazing. So my initial gut-feeling is to revolve this collaborative piece around the topic "public access SuperIntelligence" and why people should start using this platform.

(Community-driven initiatives will be improved by end year according to the roadmap. What I'm trying to achieve here in this post is to experience a rudimentary prototype model for community collaboration, hopefully learning something useful out of it!)

Here's what you can do -

If you have a better "hook"- feel free to replicate this post, modifying it for your purpose.

Someone can also just write a piece of Steemit's many dramas and how it resembles a growing baby's brain. Anything goes.

No clue at all of how to organize this effectively. So let's just do this pretty much like "anarchists".. and let the "leaders" emerge. Feel free to organize here (see, this is why comment nesting limits should be increased). If you're a lone-wolf, just do your thing. You can link up your writings here too (please make it relevant).

Just start writing and curating comments, etc.

Here's what I will do -

After 48 hours (or slightly more), I will take time to go through all the crowd-generated content, stitching the interesting stuff together and try to make a reasonably awesome piece for STEEM's marketing. If you're photographer / visual artist, you may also try to help out with images or even approach me to finalize the piece together.

I will try to finish that final piece in 7 days. Hopefully much lesser.

Donations and liquid payout will be distributed to best creators / comments

This post is not a democracy. I'm exercising my right as Dictator of this post to reward based on my subjective preference (Top voted comments are definitely part of the mix). I hope the community trusts me well enough that I will do this in a fair enough manner. (I just don't want too much of a headache over micro-managing stuff here..)

Reward pool to be divided disproportionately for the 10 best submissions. (remember I'm allowing anything here, including external links - it just needs to be relevant. Make a case out of your submission):-

  • The very best two (2) submissions will take 50% of the liquid pool, and the rest will be divided equally.
  • This lopsided distribution model is used to improve chances of some original, high-quality submission.
  • I'm contributing an extra 250 Steem into the reward pool. (if there's sufficient activity)

Your kind donations, if any, will be added into the reward pool for this collaboration.

(I will only be keeping the Steem Power generated)

Let's make STEEM great again!

Edit update: I'm not saying he's a superintelligence, just a fun pic :P

All images used from public-domain

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