E X P A N S I O N Wishes and Eurovan Dreams Collaborative Art Journey | My first ever submission -noobstatus

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Funny the way things come around.

I've been disciplining myself to be a little less disciplined on Sundays. So I've been trying to make it my day to move a little slower in the mornings, enjoy breakfast, do a little light client or admin work and then play!

The Steemit community has had some awesome challenges and contests that I've really enjoyed participating in while using some Sunday-makestuff-chill down time.

To my delight, I found Collaborative Art Journey which is actually in it's in its 25th iteration. I'm not sure how I've missed it thus far but I'm so glad I noticed @everlove 's post this morning because this week is named E X P A N S I O N.

I've been feeling a ton of transition energy lately and expansion definitely seems to be part of it so I wanted to try my hand at remixing @everlove 's offering in a meaningful way.

Here's the image she offered for transformation:

It's no secret @teamhumble and I have had vans on the brain. So my brain's natural next course of action was to see what a van could look like wrapped in these cosmic splashes. I headed to Photoshop where I fussed with the hues and tried different van color combos and here's what I settled on.

Now, I could have made it easy on myself and stopped there but since I've been rediscovering my love of kaleidoscopes I thought what the hell and started having a play using the app Kalidacam on my iPhone.


This is where things got a little weird. I'm not sure what exactly happened, I might have blacked out, but before I knew it I was pulling up screen capture apps, iPhone reflector, imovie and editing audio.

Soon this emerged...

You can always tell when I'm in a creative whirlwind when I've got 57 tabs and apps open and I'm not even listening to background music. I was in pure laser beam focus mode.....until I played back the song, (Shootin Stars by Bag Raiders) which I slowed down to make things feel a little more chill and trippy, and proceeded to absolutely laugh my ass off as soon as the vocals came in. Dunno, something about that really just got to me and I sat at my computer like this for about 15 minutes...

Thanks for indulging a bit of abstracted weirdness from a gal who really needed to have some freeform creative fun time and a good laugh at whatever the hell it was that I made today.

That's what Sundays are for right?

Here's a list of things I used.

  • Photoshop - van mockup, hue alteration
  • Kalidacam - ios app
  • Reflector - beams my ios display to desktop (wireless mirroring app)
  • Monosnap - records desktop
  • OnlineVideoConverter.com -grabs music from Youtube Video
  • iMovie - video & audio edits
  • YouTube - video hosting because I haven't looked into view.ly or dtube properly yet.
  • Caret- markdown editor I always write steemit posts in
  • Canva - cover image designs

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