My Art for Collaborative Art Journey..."ANGLES OF LIGHT" No. 31

I am excited to be participating in the #collaborativeartjourney thanks to @everlove. This challenge has us taking a wonderful piece and remaking it in our own way and style. This is my completed piece. (This is the thumbnail, I have the image larger further in post)


Here you can see the original piece, "Angles of Light no. 31" right here:


When I looked at this I had a good think. I love to use figures or animals in my work. I am always, when seeing pattern or even abstraction, imagining it involved with either of those two things (animals or people). I then saw it looking a bit like a hood or maybe a structure someone would be coming out of, so I turned it this way.


So, I put some tissue over it to get the basic layout this way and then sketched my figure in. And then I scanned that drawing into my computer.


It is called ANGLES of light but I first read it as ANGELS of light. So I was thinking of a spiritual or godlike woman. And thinking of Light, I considered a sort of goddess that was both light and dark and felt an image holding a snake biting her was sort of a being caught between life and death.

I decided to work in oils and oil pastels. I wanted to do an animated gif of the process and tried a few tutorials, but am still unable to get it. So, here are three images showing it in process.


IF I had more time I would have probably made the background image a bit tighter and more defined, but as it is a lot of work I just focused on more detail on the face and hands. I still like the overall affect and think the more painterly background is still close to the original to see the inspiration.


And here is the entire piece at a larger size.


I really enjoy the challenges that have us riff of another piece of art work. I enjoy building on that as it is very Steemit in that way, I think.

If others would like to enter (Though tomorrow is the deadline!) You can do so by going here.

And as always if you like my work please comment, upvote, and resteem if you like.


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