Collaborative art journey 27 - Finding friends frozen in time and mind

Hello! It's another glorious day in this endless dream, and I have this very special image for you. Created in collaboration with @everlove for @everlove/invitation-collaborative-art-journey-frozen-in-time-no-27-this-is-your-invitation-to-collaborate-whatever-your-expression-bring

I used Google's deep dream generator to transform the original image. This system recreates an image based on the "style" of another using a deep learning AI mind. You can repeat the process with any number of styles and each time you delve deeper into the AI mind, finding new and amazing structures within the image.

Everlove's image was processed over 50 times with different styles each time, including default styles and my own paintings, a process that takes 2-3 hours, and is thus classified as a "rare dream." Here is the final result:

This is a step about half way through, when we first start to see familiar constructs emerge in the dream. This little guy truly is trapped in time and mind, but he looks happy enough about it.

dream_8bjhah1a3e2 (1).jpg

Another intermediate stage (using softer, smoother styles) so you can see how the image warps over time. Our little buddy has lost his charisma, but he gets it back by the end. He's also started gaining some friends at this point, who come out in droves by the time we get to the final image.


And here is a bonus for making it to the bottom, faithful reader. Here I used the deep style generator to morph everlove's image with another rare dream of one of my own paintings (original colors preserved).

Happy dreaming :)

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