Invitation for collaboration accepted on the last moment :D My entry for Angles of Light contest with EVERLOVE

@everlove : "I love kids, and I love art"

This quote fits perfectly for this piece!

I have been intending to join an art contest for weeks and never made it in time, spending all my free time on crypto, but this time it was meant to be.. on the last moment but still.

Last Tuesday we had a parent's reunion in my daughter's kindergarten.

It is a Waldorf style school and they really engage their creativity there.. And parents' creativity also!
Meanwhile talking about the matters of the kindergarten and our offspring, we had a chance to try what our children do every Monday morning.

Painting water colours on wet sheet of paper.

What a calming technique!

The school itself is also really calm place and the teachers really angelic :D
Not to mention all the trolls faeries saints and angels the space is decorated with.

Can you see the angels there?

Well once I started fiddling with Photoshop I turned this sublime beauty into something bit darker.. reflecting the mood I'm in at the moment and going towards higher contrast scale of the offering image:


Just to bring you little bit closer to the process, here is the layer of stretched trimmed and adjusted offering images overlaying my original piece.


These are on full Opacity and Fill, also NORMAL blend mode, so you can see them better ..
In the resulting image they have different settings...

Tell me what you think. I really appreciate Constructive Criticism and Feedback !

Have a great time ! Find time for yourself , especially if you have children. It is invaluable.
Love to you all, beautiful people !

I messed up and made this post with some errors first, then posted this corrected version, thinking to delete the first one one, but cant find the way to delete my post! In case you wonder why there are 2 posts almost identical.

The main error is that I have been misreading the title as ANGELS of LIGHT :D So that is my take on it.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column