Collaborating on Steemit bringing positivity, hope, healing and connectedness.

I doodled an interpretation of @everlove's recent collaborative project. Shadow Mandala.

Then @pyrowngs suggested it would make a nice colouring piece, and created this lovely image and post.


My original drawing was a black and white doodle.

I was, and am still stuck in hospital with limited creative resources, although I did manage to acquire a clipboard, paper and a couple of pens from the nursing staff.

I have a connective tissue condition called Ehlers-danlos-syndrome.

It causes my connective tissue to not behave as it should, and because connective tissue holds the whole body together it can sometimes present a difficult and confusing clinical picture.

When @pyrowngs colours popped up yesterday it coloured my day.

My children had visited in the morning and I had given them all of my energy, and I feel I paid the price in the evening. Although to be honest I'd do it over, just to be able to hold them and play with them, (even the part where we got into trouble for riding on the electric bed):)

In @pyrowngs' post it was speculated how others might interpret, colour or augment it.
If anyone would like to have a crack at it, it would colour my world.
Create and comment hear and I will Resteem it too.

Or maybe you would like to brighten the view from my window.


Or for something a little more out there.

Maybe you want to decorate my brain?
It does look like a pointy nosed house elf is living in there.

This is @everlove's original image.

Thank you @everlove. Your positivity has a ripple effect. Never forget that.

I am looking forward to the next collaboration.

I also wish to acknowledge @cathi-xx, who was compassionate and tolerant of me, even when I was a moody cow

I drew this picture of myself by way of apology.

I haven't asked people to Resteem my posts before, but I would love to see a couple of responses to this one. So if it interests you, please Resteem and brighten my day.

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