Collaborative Art Journey with Everlove, first submission

Good evening Steemians,

I decided to participate in my second collaborative piece on Steemit. (My first is here)

This is my first contribution to the #CollaborativeArtJourney:


Rumi has always been a favorite poet of mine and his words often revisit me, "Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

I had hoped to include my process on this one, but it didn't work out. I am a bit pressed for time recently with the new gallery, moving, and remaining present with my family. ...The reason I typically post late at night when everyone else has fallen asleep.

I can however, show you where it began. I was surfing the #art section one night and discovered Everlove's blog. She has all sorts of amazing collaborative work. For Collaboration #28, we were invited to create anything we wish using Everlove's piece, "Spot On".


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