The Rain Fairy and the Armies of Ants -a Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove

This story and its illustrations are part of my art collaboration with @everlove for her INVITATION: Collaborative Art Journey..." L I F E S T A N D S S T I L L ".


The Rain Fairy and the Armies of Ants

Down in the valley, between the rolling green hills, sat a quaint little cottage with a picturesque garden. In this garden grew poppies and roses, lavenders and daisies, and peonies.

There were lots of peony plants, red ones and white ones, and one solitary pink one. On this pink peony lived two ants. The two ants loved to drink the nectar from the peony, and spent their days running up and down the peony bud. There was more than enough nectar for both of the ants, but anytime their paths on the flower crossed they argued over which of them owned the peony. There was a whole garden of flowers, and they could have their pick of any, but they both only wanted this flower. The fact that the other seemed to want it made the flower even more appealing to them. The peony had become a prize they were both willing to fight over.
Each ant told the other ants they knew all about the peony flower, and their battle over its special nectar. Before long it wasn’t just the two ants fighting over the peony, but two armies of ants! They fought over the flower until the peony became weak from holding the fighting armies. The peony bent her head with sadness over the bitterness of the arguments and destruction around her.

The clouds looked down and saw the peony hanging her head low. They brought themselves nearer to the ground, lowering a mist across the garden. When the clouds came closer they could see the warring ants and hear the harsh words being spoken.
The queen of the clouds bent down to the peony and kissed her leaf, leaving behind a tiny blue dew drop. Inside the dew drop, wrapped up tightly in ball, was a small baby rain fairy. She was growing inside the tiny dew drop egg.

After 3 days and nights the surface of the dew drop broke, and the delicate rain fairy emerged. She could see the warring ants around her, and feel the sorrow of the peony running through the leaf beneath her feet. The rain fairy raised her arms to the clouds and drops of water began to fall from the sky, landing on the peony bud and rolling down its surface. As each rain drop landed and rolled down it carried with it one of the fighting ants, until all the ants were in a puddle of water beneath the flower. Waving their antennae in the air and calling for help, the ants looked like shipwrecked sailors. In an act of kindness, the rain fairy told the peony to bend her head even lower. The peony bent her head to touch the surface of the puddle and the ants clambered on to her soft petals and found refuge.


After that day the two armies of ants learnt to share the peony. The peony lifted her head to the sky and opened her petals as a sign of gratitude to the clouds. The rain fairy made her home on the peony nestled amongst the soft ruffles of the petals, but she always kept an eye on the garden. She was ready to step in if any of the creatures forgot how to share the beauty that was their world.

Story and illustrations by @opheliafu

Don't forget to check out my post Rain Fairy- a Collaborative Art Journey with @everlove, it's about drawing the rain fairy and my original collaboration on this with @everlove.

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