"Frozen Tropical" Collaborative Art Journey

This is my collaboration with @Everlove's latest Collaborative Art Journey Invitation with her image "Beyond the Veil."

Here is her image "Beyond the Veil"...

At first I was really intrigued by the light pink "leaf" shapes.  They reminded me of bamboo leaves.  The dark pink blobby shapes looked like bougainvillea flowers, or perhaps a cluster of grapes.  I decided to go hunting through my paintings, thinking I would try to combine one of my paintings of grapes with @everlove's photo in some way, but as I was scrolling though my images on my computer, I ran across an old photo I took a few years ago.  The composition is actually similar in both photos.  But, I like how @everlove's photo is warm, and my frozen rose photo is (obviously) cold.  I decided they complimented each other well.  And, as I played around with blending them together, I started really loving the colors in both images, along with the dark purplish-blue I decided to put underneath. 

(Photo of rose with frozen spikes, by Crystal Pyren)

The photo is of a rose bush with spiky ice crystals all over it that I took during a "deep freeze" event which lasted several days (back in either 2013 or 2014? - can't quite remember) in Southern Oregon.  It was in December.  I remember that deep freeze event actually killed many plants, unfortunately.  This rose bush was still blooming, and was frozen when the deep freeze hit.  The rose bush was located along the southern wall of the little grocery store that everyone fondly referred to as the "Hippy store", in Williams, OR.  And, as far as I know this rose bush is still there.

I also decided to add a tropical sunset into the mix.  I found this image on Pinterest.

With the sunset photo added, the collage became all about dreaming of warm summer sunsets, while still being in the middle of winter.  And, thankfully today, here in Oregon, the sun was out and my husband & I actually planted two more rose bushes in our little rose garden.  So, maybe I had roses on the brain.  lol  Glad I was able to use my frozen rose photo.  I wish I had used a better camera for this photo.  All I had at the time was my iPhone 3GS.  

I put all the photos together in Photoshop.  I used the eraser tool, brush tool, and the color replacement tool.

I may do one or two more with this image.  It is a fun one, and I still have more ideas...

Have an Artful Day!

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