Jack's Mermaid ~ Collaborative Art Journey

~ Jack's Mermaid ~

My dear friend, Jack, passed away a few days ago.  I just found out earlier this evening.  I am completely heartbroken.  My husband & I met Jack a few years ago.  He was a friend of a friend.  My husband & I have gotten to know Jack pretty well over the past couple years.  My husband did a lot of work on his car for him.  And Jack played his guitar for us - many times.  We helped him & his companion move to the coast last year.  We visited them several times - more guitar music by Jack and many walks on the beach with all of us - me, my husband, our daughter, Jack & Judy.  Very fond memories.  Jack had a theme to his decor in his room- the sea, mermaids, ships, etc...  He loved the beach.  To me, he always looked like a fisherman, or a sailor, although I don't know that he ever sailed or fished.  But he played beautiful songs on the guitar that he wrote. 

He passed away due to an aneurism in his brain, apparently.  So glad we got one last visit with him a couple weeks ago.

This is for you, Jack.  Hope you find your mermaid!

Here is a link to listen to Jack play some of his beautiful music.  The first song in the list "Dancin" - he actually played for us while we were visiting a couple weeks ago - beautiful song!

Collaborative Art Journey

My husband said he saw a mermaid in there...  And, after we heard the news about Jack's passing, well - I HAD to create a mermaid for Jack.

Here is @everlove's original photograph, titled "Wrinkles in Time":

Rest in Peace, Jack!

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