"Spot On Beauty & Warnings at the Beach" - Collaborative Art Journey #28

Here is my collaboration with @Everlove's photo called "Spot On".  I've been away from Steemit for the past 2-3 months.  So happy to have time to devote to Steemit again, and so happy to be participating in @Everlove's Collaborative Art Journey!

For this collaboration I used a combination of some photos I took, some photos I found on the internet, and a couple of my paintings.  I layered them all on top of each other, including @Everlove's original image (which I altered slightly).  I blended and layered them together in Photoshop.

Here is the original image provided by @Everlove:

Here are the images I used:

Several beach scenes - photos that I took at several different beaches over the past couple years... (some of the photos are more visible than others once they are all layered)

This photo of a shark fin that I found on Google Search (I ended up reversing the direction of the photo)

I used these two paintings of mine.  Neither of these paintings were finished in these photos, but I like the textures in them.

I used this photo I took earlier this year of a warning sign at an Oregon beach (which I thought was kinda funny - with all the warnings about everything!)

Here's the entire sign (which is even more silly):

I found this sign on Google Image search, and thought it looked similar enough to the style of the warnings on the other sign.

After putting it all together - the photos of the ocean, the beauty of the clouds, rocks, water, the whimsy of the painted clouds and splashes of color along with the ominous shark fin and the warnings - it makes for a great statement of how beautiful, yet dangerous the ocean is. Some of the it is a little bit "tongue - in - cheek", but in all seriousness, all of those warnings should be taken seriously and heeded when at the beach.  And, for much of the Oregon Coast - probably one of the more serious warnings to watch for are the "sneaker waves" - which I have experienced a number of times.

Thanks for another great image to play with, @Everlove!  Looking forward to seeing all the other collaborations with this one!

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