Collaborative Art Journey: Evolution

When inspiration flows, I like to roll with it. 

@everlove hosts a fun, engaging, and valuable initiative here on Steemit, and invites one and all to join in her 29th Collaborative Art Journey

She is one of my very favorite play mates, so on we play! 

This is the evolution of my art with @everlove:

From this metamorphosis:

Inspired by her original offering "SLICE OF FOREVER":

You too are invited to play! Here are her "rules" (ha!) to the Collaborative Art Journey:

1 . INVITE, COMMENT, UPVOTE AND RESTEEM this post [<----not this here post you're reading! This is a link to @everlove's Collaborative Art Journey] and others too please.  But only if you want to!
2.  USE MY OFFERING  as the base for the collaborative piece.
3.  TRANSFORM IT as many times as you wish! - Print the image or do whatever it is you do to add to/or alter it, (i.e., including but not limited to painting, drawing, adding other photographs, collaging, altering it digitally or however you wish . . .or perhaps even adding a tune, poetry, a story, a gif, a video, a book, or other imaginative play.  
4.  MAKE A POST ABOUT IT (not required but of course preferred) to share your process.
5.  MAKE THE FIRST TAG OF YOUR POST  #CollaborativeArtJourney, then #art (and of course any other tag that fits your finished piece).
6.  SHARE YOUR LINK in a comment below.
7.  DEADLINE  Wednesday, December 27,  2017 at Midnight CST to be included in the FINALE post.
8.  PAYING IT FORWARD  - I will be donating rewards from this post to our cutting-edge community @gardenofeden where I am a full-time volunteer. I encourage you to check out our recent post on Mercury Detox.
9.  POST IN THE CHATROOM  "Art-Collaborations-Links-and-Creative-Inspirations".   Other collaborative works are also welcome there.  Please use this chatroom ONLY for collaborative work.  No individual posts please.
10.  GRANTING PERMISSION - Important!!! --  If you play you grant permission to have your art used in some other way (perhaps a show, printing them, making a gift of them, or otherwise at my discretion).  Credit will be given where credit is due. 

May infinite inspiration flow through you ~ may you ART with LIFE itself!

💛 Sara! 

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