Collaborative Art Journey No 30 - Sparkling Colors

This is my second time for collaboration entry with #Collaborativeartjourney Number 30 created by @everlove

I using the photoshop program this time and I started to add more colors to the original picture.

First of all I didnt have any idea what to do and I just started to change the image, using more colors, changed and manipulated them, using the different tools and here is the result.

Recent time I painted a lot of abstract works and probably this was my influence in my particular collaboration "Aspects of Existence" No 30 created by @everlove

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Sparkle Colors by Elizabeth Elkin

"Aspects of Existence" No 30 by @everlove

Here is the link to my first collaboration with collaborative art jurney "No Strings Attached" was showing at the ArtAtSteemfest:

From @trueart


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