Color Challenge - Orange: Liquid Lava UV shoot with Silvia

Liquid Lava UV shoot with Silvia

Sometimes the craziness of life gets in the way of routines and just haven't had the time to post the past few weeks as I would have liked to. Slowly getting back into that routine heres three taken from a series with Silvia a few years ago.
We used UV body paints with my special LED UV lighting setup.
Initially the makeup artist went a little wild with splatter effects and then we just mixed water in the bottle to add more viscosity and the orange create a spectacular lava like effect which I experimented more on in future shoots. The background is fluro red-organge fabric which just added to the effect of the shoot.

Team Credits:

Model: Silvia Reinke;
HMUA: Thanh Vo
Photo: Chris David

Canon 5D MarkIII, 100mm Macro 2.8L IS
1/160sec @ f6.3 , ISO400


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