WednesdayYellow - Yellow around us during our family trip / 黄色星期三 - 与黄色同在

For the past two weeks, I have been on two family trips to Kuantan and Langkawi. In conjunction with WednesdayYellow, I will share some Kuantan trip photos in this post with the element yellow in them.


Our first stop was at Gua Charas (Gua means cave). Gua Charas is a temple cave found in a limestone hill, Bukit Charas (Bukit means hill) about 25km north-west of Kuantan, Pahang. The cave is a holy site for both Hindus and Buddhists. Entrance fee is RM2 for adult and RM1 for child (0.038 SBD and 0.019 SBD based on current conversion rate).

我们的第一个景点是加拉斯山洞。加拉斯山洞是个岩石山洞,大约离关丹25公里。这山洞里有很多印度神,走到最尾端则是一尊睡佛。入门费,大人是马币2零吉,小朋友则收马币1零吉(以现在的兑换率大概是0.038 SBD和0.019 SBD)。

Photos captured at Lao Zi Temple, Kuantan, Pahang. There're two entrances to the temple. We entered through the dragon's tail, walked inside the dragon and came out from the dragon's mouth. Entrance fee is RM5 (0.096 SBD based on current conversion rate).

以下的照片都是在关丹的太上老君庙所拍摄的。这庙有两个入口。一个是直接进入庙里。我们选择了由龙尾巴的入口进入,走进龙的肚子,再由龙的嘴巴走入庙里。入门费是马币5零吉(以现在的兑换率大概是0.096 SBD)。

Next are some photos from our hotel, Swiss Garden Resort Kuantan.


We also went to Kuantan City Mall for movies. In fact, we watched two movies there. Justice League and Coco. Love the movies. The girls love Wonder Woman. As for Coco, they find all the skeletons very cute. There are colourful images on the wall outside the cinema. Check out the photos below.

我们也到了关丹城市广场看电影。我们看了两部戏,Justice League和Coco。我们都很喜欢这两部电影。小朋友们最喜欢Justice League里的Wonder Woman。还有她们喜欢Coco里的骨头人。离戏院不远处的墙上有可爱的图像。

That's all for this time. Don't want to make it a super long post. And I really thank you to stay with me till now. Thanks for your love and support! Will share more photos in the upcoming posts. All photos are captured with my Redmi 4x.


Thanks to @kalemandra for sharing the beautiful banners. Banners are created by @kalemandra. If you would like to find all the other color banners, you can check out this post.
以下漂亮的banner是 @kalemandra 制作的,你可以到这里下载其他颜色的banner。非常感谢 @kalemandra 的用心! (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba

If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using and 彩色心的分界线是我用paint.net和gifmaker.me做的。


In this post, I would like to pin Lao Zi Temple to The Steemit World Map.

这篇po我就把关丹的太上老君庙加进Steemit World Map世界地图里。

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