Lesson from the garden:
Take a look at what is around you, there might be something wonderful hidden there that you're not giving yourself a chance to see!
I have to share this amazing find with you all today! I was in my garden, lying on the ground, camera in hand trying to get a close up of my flowers to share when my lens caught this…
What is it? I asked myself as I zoomed in to have a closer peek.
What an amazing creature I found! I typed in things like “orange spotted, prickly looking caterpillar” and “florescent spiked orange spotted caterpillar” and eventually, I found this!
My new friend looks like it might be the Autumn Leaf Caterpillar or Doleschallia Bisaltide, a butterfly of South Asia!
Look at how beautiful she is! Tucked under a leaf, I never would have even known she was there!
Oh but wait! What's that I see hiding?
She has a friend! There are two of these magnificent caterpillars just outside of my studio!
How that feels- to be so full of promise- joy, love, inspiration, beauty and yet to remain unnoticed...
It was a reminder for me to take time, to notice the beauty I am missing out on, being too caught up to see what was under my nose.
These small creatures taught me a lesson today, one their beauty surely won't let me forget anytime soon as their performance is etched in my mind like a dance, whispering a gentle reminder to slow down and appreciate what is around me.
This was my favourite colorchallenge yet! Thank you @kalemandra for this wonderful opportunity to appreciate the rainbow around us! I had a great time trying to capture their beauty to share with you this lovely Tuesday!
Something amazing may just be right under your nose ;)