Color Challenge Wednesday Yellow.

The giant water refill machines.

Have you ever used these machines to fill up a plastic bottle?

Most people that I know drink bottled water because they think it's better for you than tap water.

I think as long as your tap water tastes good then it's probably just perfectly fine to drink.

My tap water tastes chalky and bad in my house though so I tend to drink either bottled water or water from one of these refill machines.

A gallon of bottled water is usually about $1.

This particular Glacier machine costs $0.30.

I've never tried it but I see it outside of the local Sprouts Market all the time.

There is however a refill machine near my house that is from a company called A+ water.

It only costs a quarter to fill up a gallon so it's in much better deal than the Glacier.

You might say....

"Well it's a 5 cent better deal so it's not that much better."

.........but it's actually a much better deal than that because in order to use the Glacier water you need to find a quarter and a nickel but to use the A+ plus water you just need a quarter.

How many people generally have both a quarter and a nickel on them at the same time?

Do you ever use this giant water refill machines?

I can tell you from experience that the water tastes just as good as it does when you buy it from the store.

It's probably a good idea to wash your water bottle out with soap before you reuse it though.

Especially if you're like me and you just keep a water bottle by your bed to drink out of all night long.

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