Good Morning Seoul

"Purple haze is in my eyes." "Good morning star shine." I took this picture when I got up this morning from my balcony. I used my android smart phone. I was about to get rid of this phone because the camera is so bad but every once and a while it surprises me and takes a good picture. Google Photos even refined it for me automatically. In high school I took a photography class using a 35 millimeter camera. It was awesome. We developed our own pictures and used the art class as a photo studio. Years passed and now finally I can put some of those photo skills to use to bring this to you.


Seoul is a great name for a city. If you take the "E" out of Seoul you get real "SOUL". So they are only one letter away from being a soul city. My hometown was sometimes called soul city. The corners were filled with street musicians and the subways echoed with the sounds of the saxophone. A walk on Maxwell street would give you a variety of "Soul Food" and an open market on Sunday morning where you really could buy anything. If you keep walking down Michigan Avenue you end up in China town and IIT. I miss those streets of Soul. I was really disappointed driving through Chicago the last time to see the soul was gone. There are town homes every where and Maxwell street is only a memory. I hate it when people call Grant Park Millennial Park. That is way too many syllables for a public park. My hometown is not the same. There is still a Blues Fest and Lallapolluza but people are afraid of snipers from a Michigan Avenue hotel. Migs field was a Chicago Land mark but Prince Daily was afraid one of those teeny planes would crash into the Daily Center so he made it off limits to airplanes. That is one city that won't have any drones flying around. Yes like John said there is still an art institute. That place was a favorite as a college student. There was a "suggested" donation but I put in whatever I had in my pockets and good see the masters face to face for only a quarter.
Maxwell Street 1

Maxwell Street 2

River West

Yes. I am home sick. Seoul is a different kind of soul. There is business in the air. I pass thousands and thousands of faces each day. Each of them busy to start their day bustling to and fro. The soul of Seoul doesn't have the same color and vibrancy of Chicago. It is ordered and structured and rehearsed. It is routine but if you look closely you can find soul in Seoul. Every once in a while you can hear a saxophone playing in the subway. The traditional markets still allow for you to bargain. And there are chicken feet and picks feet. Although there are no collared greens. There are all sorts of side dishes on sale at the market.

Seoul pic


open market

Seoul has a different kind of soul. Good morning Soeul. Good morning all you open air markets and bustling people. Good morning frigid morning. Good morning Seoul. Although there is a government warning today not to go outside because of air pollution I am going outside and enjoying Seoul and the beautiful sunrise to make this a soul day in Seoul!!


Good Morning :)

Have a Great Day!!

Have you ever been to Seoul or Chicago?

Tell me about it.

Which one has more Soul?






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