ColorChallenge — SundayPurple — I Admire This Masterpiece #2

Continue the cycle of "output" of the day in blue and purple tones in the footsteps of remarkable works of Robert Julian Onderdonk (great American artist of the early 20th century).

The picture, which I chose today, reflects an earlier stage of the artist. By this time, he acquired many followers and admirers. And even had commercial success. So in 1902 he sold 12 of his works to the dealer on Fifth Avenue in New York for 14$ (by the time of his death, he had only one forward orders for a total amount of 20,000$). For that time it was a lot of money!

The canvas "Bluebonnets In Texas, 1915" is imbued with tenderness and reverent love to the boundless Lupin fields of Texas.

             Just look at this purple haze over the blue field!! How beautiful!!!



"ColorChallenge — SaturdayIndigo — I Admire This Masterpiece #1"

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