Colour Challenge: Butterflies

I know I have used this photo before, but I decided to post it again anyway.

Why? Well, I was told, in several cryptic messages through unusually secret channels, that this butterfly has The Special Colour.

This could mean that my becoming a member of that esoteric group of people who have posted a photo that contains this elusive colour, the name of which we only dare whisper among close friends, is imminent.

Olympus XZ-1, 112mm, ISO100, f8, 1/125s

This ticket to my immortality on Steemit is called a purple emperor (Apatura iris), grote weerschijnvlinder in Dutch.

We now know it isn't purple at all, but that other colour we post about on Saturdays. It only shows this colour under certain angles, like this earlier photo demonstrates:

Olympus XZ-1, 112mm, ISO100, f5.6, 1/80s

What do you think? Did I get the colour right? And if so, what more need I do to join The Worshipful Company of Indigo Photographers?

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