📷Sunset Silhouettes and a Dragonfly Up Close and Personal - ColorChallenge - OrangeTuesday ( 4 Original Photos )

This morning I wanted to share some of my Sunset Silhouette photography with you and since it is Tuesday, these fit in perfectly with today's @ColorChallenge for #OrangeTuesday.

As many of you may know from my past posts, there are a few obsessions I have with photography. Beyond all my past professional work as a photographer for weddings, events, modeling, etc - it has always been a passion of mine to capture the beauty in nature, patterns, textures, and contrasting colors that most people pass by and never notice, or maybe have seen, but don't really take the time to really SEE and APPRECIATE it.

Appreciating something as simple as a sunset, the silhouettes cast in front it, seeding grasses in the field your taking the pictures in, and even the translucent wings of dragonfly that happens to land nearby - these are the little things in life we all need to stop and notice from time to time.

Nikon D5300 - ISO100 - 50mm f1.8 - 1/250

These two pictures are of the same seed stalk, using the exact same camera settings for each. For the silhouette on the left, I got down lower to get the setting sun right behind it. For the picture on the right, I was standing to have the sun just out of the direct view of the lens.

Tall grasses going to seed in the field we walked through.

Here a stunningly detailed orange and brown dragonfly landed on a stick just next to me as I was taking the pictures of the grass. The sun glistened of its translucent stripped wings. I slowly turned to get into position, and got a beautiful photo of that little guy. it was close enough to get the details of the hairs and hex pattern in its eyes.

Incredibly detailed picture of a dragonfly in the field. (lucky shot)

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