Color Challenge Friday Blue

Color Challenge Friday Blue

Sony A6500 50mm F8 1/60 ISO 125
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Continuing on with my challenge to myself to get out and get new shots within a few blocks of my office building for each of the daily color challenges that are part of Color Challenge hosted by @kalemandra,

the Color for Friday is Blue

BTW do you remember this from Last nights post

Have you ever?

Had a post all prepared in advance and saved in a document, and accidentally delete it and have to do it all from >scratch, Yes thats what I did this evening so had to prepare this one from scratch

Yes I just did it again, but tonight i have an excuse its been a long day and I am dog tired tonight, but back to tonights post.

This is at the local Deli, one one side they have a section with flowers, and at the back behind this plants branches thingy was the blue Samuel Adams sign

Sony A6500 35mm F4.5 1/60 ISO 640
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Speaking of flowers, this was one bunch of flowers with a lovely bright blue that I had to get a shot of to share with this post

Sony A6500 23mm F5.6 1/60 ISO 125
Click here to view larger

And finishing of this post with this shot , of a common site in Manhattan there are tones of this little paper boxes all over the city stocked with various free newspapers, this one for the China Daily, I have never grabbed one so cannot comment on what it is about

I am enjoying doing this self imposed challenge with getting all 7 days of the color challenge within a short walk from my office, now I get into the challenging days for me Blue,Indigo and Violet, I Know Blue and purple I struggle with the shades in between but will see what I can do :)

Unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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