It is important to me to LEAD a COLORFUL LIFE again!

Sally from webcam.jpg

As you many know by following me so far in my posts, I have been very sick and mostly stay home online.

That doesn't mean that I have to give up the Colorful Life that I enjoyed before. Now that I am not quite as depressed, I feel like a cloud is dissipating from inside my head. That cloud kept me from even considering joyful and colorful ideas.

images (15).jpg

Now I can go there sometimes again!

I started to learn how to paint and tye dye tshirts. Here are a few that I made so far. I am done with tye dying now (what a mess! LOL) I am ready to start with Acrylic paints next.

First batch Tie dye slrts i made for myself to wear(1).jpg


I have started learning to do graphics online using I have been starting with quotes and small bits of information, like my signature box. I am not good at it yet at all, but I am putting myself out there and learning.

Signature Block Sally Witt.png

Joining Steemit has helped with feeling free to be creative and share. The photos here are wonderful - even just to look at and enjoy.

I have been taking photos when I go out with my husband to a park or other places, and share them on Instagram, and automatically they are shared on Flickr and Twitter. I love digital photos, but I am not that good at it either. I have tremors, so I am not fast to catch animals or birds, and am not always focused. The camera auto focuses, but not if you are shaking the whole time. LOL


The goat was pretty stationary at the Philadelphia Zoo! LOL

Colors are energy, and energy is life. I am doing a bit better in living again!

If you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy and colorful and lively. Mel BrooksRead more at-


Images are either taken by me, in my personal collection from family, or have "license free to use, share, or modify - even commercially"


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(Originally Shared by @swelker101 on https://steemit dot com/minnowsupportproject/@swelker101/a-visual-guide-to-the-streemian-sign-up-process-for-palnet-graphic-heavy, I am just so thrilled with the group that I want to help promote it!!)

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