Assholier Than Thou


Assholier Than Thou

...or Masshole Drivers Unite!

We're an odd lot, Massachusetts Drivers.
Sometimes it takes living here a while to get to know us.
We tend to be certain in our ways.
We tend to be the ones in the left lane.
We tend to forget our turn signal on occasion
(If by occasion you mean, when we are in the car)
We are always willing to slip into that space between
one car and the next, when changing lanes,
in a space so tight it would make a NASCAR Pro blush.

Do you know how you can tell someone born here?
...and someone who has lived here for a long time?
A true Masshole will not use his horn and would never flip you the bird.
If you cut him or her off, we tip our cap in silent salute to a better move
on the roads and vow,
"Tomorrow fellow Masshole,
tomorrow I'll get the better of you
on the next commute!"

There are two kinds of drivers in the world...
Massholes and everyone else.


As for the Swiss Chard seen in my image
I suspect you feel about my driving the way I do about the Chard:
Sure, it's pretty to look at, but I don't want it on my dining table...

Be good. Do good.
Don't be an Ass.


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