Colourchallenge Wednesday Yellow - Chicken Chicken


Many of you who follow me, know that I am a fan of the kitchen. There are some who embrace the kitchen, and some who don't. My brother and I always are amazed at some around us, and realize, we are a product of our upbringing. When we were growing up, food was always cooking or being talked about, or a meal planned.

When weekend came, we knew, at least 2 or 3 cousin families were coming by. Unless it was a holiday, then, we knew, there would 5, 6, 7 or more families. Plus neighbors and friends. When our family cooked we really cooked!
Food for 50 if 30 were coming.

So, back to my brother and I: we laugh, and compare notes. I went to a get together for a birthday recently. NOT in my family. 21 people were there. Over by the drinks table there was a bowl of ice cubes. A small cereal bowl size. AND that's all there was in the house. Over at the buffet? 10 plates. 10 sets of knives, forks, and spoons. 10 sets of plates and utensils for 21 people. Never mind dessert...

I could go on and on, but all this is to say, we we plan a party, or even dinner, we cook. For real. Friends think there's something wrong with me when I say, or, we're having 40 on Saturday. "Why aren't you freaking out?" I hear. Seriously?
40 when I was growing up was a small party my mom would me or my brother do on our own. Momma bear only got involved when it started to get serious.

This is from a few days ago, when my kids had an impromptu gathering of their old high school friends. Twenty-eight kids. No notice. No kidding, not an issue. Time between finding out peeps were coming and me back in my office, on discord and Steemit? 1 hour, 15 minutes. 28 people seems easy, now.

Some buffalo spicy chicken kabobs and yellow mustard, skewered, was perfect for The Color Challenge - Wednesday Yellow - Photo Challenge started by @kalemandra. #colorchallenge #photocontests

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