Colourchallenge Wednesday Yellow - Newburyport Rear Range Light

COAST Newburyport Rear.jpg

You wouldn't think banners would be such an issue, would you?
"let's put some colourful banners up on the lighthouse!" As if they mean nothing. But, there's controversy. After all, colours mean something, in the marine world. Red and Green are the colours for navigation, not Yellow. Yet, the committee decided yellow banners and green banners.

Perhaps the second lesson my dad taught me, in boating, was Red, Right, Returning. It is one of the rules of the road, for navigation, on the water. it means, when returning to home port, keep the Red buoy, or navigation marker on the right.
Yellow means little in navigation, although, it does have meaning in lights for boats. I thought it was perfect for The Color Challenge - Wednesday Yellow - Photo Challenge started by @kalemandra. #colorchallenge #photocontests

This is the Rear Range Light, in Newburyport Harbor. A range light series is one where, if you line up a series of lights, one on top of another, it will lead you straight to a destination. So long as all the lights in the range are on top of each other, your navigation is free of natural obstacles. Some idiot with another boat might be in the way, but no rocks or shore lins will be...

More of my ColourChallenge Series

Geeky Camera Stuff:
Nikon d7000, 150mm, f13, 1/400th

!steemitworldmap 42.811435 lat -70.866061 long Newburyport Rear Range Light d3scr

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