Spanish Mexican Lessons - Volume One

Who doesn’t love to eat tacos in Mexico? This is a free lesson of spanish, if you pronounce the first line, you will be saying what's in the second one, the third line is the meaning of it, funny, but true:

• Web us come ham on
huevos con jamón
(ham and eggs)

• Web us come toss see no
huevos con tocino
(bacon and eggs)

• Web us tea be us
huevos tibios
(warm eggs, the ones that you half cook in water)

• Web us come shore is so
huevos con chorizo
(eggs with sausage)

• Web be toes come free hall lit toes
huevitos con frijolitos
(eggs with beans)

• Does stack kit toes door add it toes the Paul Joe
Dos taquitos dorados de pollo
(two fried chicken 'tacos')

• Does stack kit toes the car neat as
Dos taquitos de carnitas
(two pork 'tacos')

• Come chill leap toes hall up pen Joe's
Con chilitos jalapeños
(with jalapeño pepper)

• Come chill lack kill less
Con chilaquiles
(with tortilla and salsa... is a mexican recipe...)

• E free hall lit toes...
Y frijolitos ...
(and beans)

• Train us on six the shell
Traenos un six de chelas
(bring a six pack of beers)

• Kiss sea ram most does tea kill as
Quisiéramos dos tequilas
(we would like two tequilas)

• See Gary toe?
(a cigarret?)

• Much as grass see as
Muchas gracias
(thank you very much)

Come soon to Mexico , they can now order taco without problem!

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2 columns
1 column