10 Amazing Facts About @Ned ’s Hair – Comedyopenmic Round 15

It is a well-known fact that one of the most important aspects of becoming successful is to have great hair. According to a reliable study, as much as 95 percent of the reason to success, originates from perfect silky smooth hair.


A Sequel to the movie “The Secret” is about to come out and it covers the phenomenon, and it is starring none other than @Ned . The name of this new movie is ”The Secret Behind The Secret” and I also partly star in it as I am the one who has conducted the research mentioned above. As an appetizer for this up and coming movie marvel I will give you a sneak peak of the content with the following 10 Amazing Facts about @Ned 's hair!

Amazing Fact Number 1

@Ned Is the first child in human history to be born with a full and perfect set of hair.


Amazing Fact Number 2

@Ned actually has a rare mutation that allows his hair to naturally self comb, this makes sure his hair stays perfectly neat! @Ned is the only one in the world with this mutation, and comb manufacturers many times have sleepless nights thinking of the disaster if the gene where to mutate globally. On a side note Trump has the opposite mutation.


Amazing Fact Number 3

@Ned 's hair is so strong that you can only cut it with a bolt cutter.


Amazing Fact Number 4

@Neds hair is so valuable that no insurance company has agreed to insure it as they would go bankrupt if something were to happen to it.


Amazing Fact Number 5

Ned has never paid for a haircut in his life, instead people will pay him if they are allowed to cut it.


Amazing Fact Number 6

If people happened to go to the same restaurant as Ned they will search through the plate in hope of finding one of his hair.


Amazing Fact Number 7

Ned's hair is so delicate that he only washes it with purified Evian water.


Amazing Fact Number 8

Ned plans to tokanize his hair with the SMT and during the ICO you can buy one hair for USD 1000, that is if it's not sold out already !


Amazing Fact Number 9

One of Ned's exes loved his hair so much she gave each hair a separate name.


Amazing Fact Number 10

One of Ned's hair was once stolen and a mad scientist tried to use the mutation on himself, it turned out his genome could not handle the mutation.


This is all I'm going to offer as a teaser for the movie, the rest of the amazing facts you have to find out when the movie is released !

I nominate @ned and @kus-knee to join this round of #comedyopenmic

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