Comedy open mic round 15 : General shop fuckassery

So we had a woman start working out in the shop a week or so ago. I have nothing against women at all but out in the shop you gotta have thick skin. You are dealing with a lot of ex-cons and ex military guys so there is a LOT of fucking around. Needless to say she was moving her stuff in when another guy was moving his stuff out. Well we have this tradition or tra"dick"tion as we call it where we "dick"orate your box before the tow truck gets there so the have to tow your box across the city with a giant dick on it. It is the little things in life that give you a laugh sometimes. So here is new girl and we had something like this going when she showed up.

We also found our we had an HR department that day. Lol. Well you won't stop my shenanigans. I do what I want.

You will never stop the Phantom dickorator. Even if I am fired I still look forward to making someone drive a 12 foot dick across the city :)
Edit : I forgot this guys box. He didn't like the D so we stuck a bunch of suction cup dildos to his box. It looked like a porcupine. Did you know you could buy dildos by the case?27029.jpeg

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