Kids Say The Darndest Things 2 : Comedy Open Mic Round 26

I got another visit from those three kids I told you about in Part 1. This time it was me that shocked them and then more laughs were to be had :)

Yesterday I got a call from one of my relatives informing me they are going to stop by for a visit. I said great, I will be home all day. They show up a little after dinner and luck would have it they brought those three joke telling kids again.

Once they enter my house I inform the kids that I entered their jokes into a contest ( Comedy Open Mic ) and that we " won ". Their eyes light up as their little minds start to wonder what it was we won and if they got any of it.

I inform them we got an honorable mention and had won three extra dollars along with $1.50 ( payout ) for the post itself and that I am going to round that up to $5 for them and hand them over a $5 bill. All three have the biggest smiles that remind me of the below gif.

It wasn't long after the oldest kid spurted out ... " I got some more jokes ". Which was immediately followed by the other two chanting .. " So do we ..... So do we ". Admittedly I was excited and sensed a Kids Say The Darndest Things 2 in the making.

Kid 1 : How do you make a tissue dance ?

Me : Skeptical on what the answer is going to be ... " I don't know, how do you make a tissue dance " ?

Kid 1 : You put a little " boogie " in it ...

My Recaction


Kid 2 : My friend David had his ID Stolen yesterday.

Me : That sucks ....

Kid 2 : Yeah, Now we just call him Dav(e)

I give a nod and a smile to the kid. Its not a laugh out loud joke but it certainly is a clever one.

Kid 3 : I don't remember any jokes. Kid two then proceeds to pass gass and it wasn't a burp. It was the loudest smelliest fart any kid could muster. They all burst out laughing and this triggers something in Kid number three who then looks at farting kid number 2 and says,

Did you fart because you just blew me away .....

Luckily I had some spray handy ...



This has been an entry into Comedy Open Mic Round 26.

As per contest rules I must nominate two other Steemians. This week I would like to nominate, @simplymike and @onefatindian I look forward to seeing your entries !

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