Arsenic Lullaby blog- set before Comic-Con International

About six hours before Comic-Con International opens to the masses, and here is the current state of things for A.L. ( I have had six hours of sleep in the last three days so please do excuse any typos or sentences that don't make any sense at all.)

I have made it to San Diego, most of my gear is here, about half of the books (other books en route). The banner is en route ( or might be here, haven't checked the tracking info yet). One of the crew is still en route. and that's...about as good as it ever is with six hours before opening.

I've got some decent shots of the show floor being set up and other booths but CCI has a no f*cking around policy on posting that stuff before the show opens, because as you can image big ass companies spending ten of thousands of dollars on displays ain't to keen on some jerk posting that stuff online and spoiling it. So I'll show you those after it's allowed...this being the one show I do not play fast and loose with the rules with...out of both fear and respect. I'm amazed every year how they manage to pull this off. The people who run CCI have a seven city blocks long convention center filled with 160,000 people to deal with...I have a 10x10 booth that I can barely manage, if it was 20x20 I might have a nervous breakdown.

anyways, I'll show what I KNOW I have, so as to not tempt fate. and will update you each day as to how it's going.
I have a booth!


And I have these square bound collections. They have choice stories from Arsenic Lullaby the Big Stall and The Devil's Only Friend , AND a blank spot on the back cover, on which the charming and handsome illustrator of this series ( that's me) can draw a sketch onto for you.



and that's where we are at. Once I'm done posting this for you all, I'll hop on the trolley, head over to convention center and start setting up the booth so it's all nice and professional looking and no one who didn't know better would ever suspect it is all the brainchild of a lowlife jerk ( that's me )

See you tomorrow/tonight for that and a recap of day one

CCILogo1 booth no.jpg


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