The Big Lie

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Afterward: You've just read a short story created by me. It is my sincere hope that you enjoyed it. The original is shown below. This story was created as a simple exercise to see if I could execute an entire story on one page. Which is about what I can complete on a single weekend, when I am off of work.


I reformatted the original by taking pictures with my phone. Ideally, I would much rather have scanned it. I do have a scanner, but unfortunately I do not have a Windows computer with which to operate it. My intent is to use any significant earning from work here on Steemit to buy a second hand Windows laptop just for that purpose. So your upvotes are appreciated. I'm currently using an Acer Chromebook. Which has proved suitable for most of what I do online, but not so much for making that printer/scanner work.

My next big comic project will be specifically for Steemit. Not in the sense that it will incorporate Steem into the story, tho I am playing with an idea for something steampunk-ish. A natural fit I think, but I'm just not too clear on a plot just yet. I have pondered an idea for a story that would be an excerpt of some chapters from Philip K. Dicks novel, Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep. If you have read the novel you know the movie leaves many chapters out, specifically from the Opera House to the Other Police Station. There are of course copyright concerns but maybe in this environment it would pass as fan art. Which would be fine. Talk to me about what I should do next in the comments.

If you enjoyed my work, check out some of my other art entries on Steemit.

Bus Stop

How to Draw an Alien Head
How to Draw this Ghost

My Bitcoin Comic
Bitcoin Comic #2
Another Bitcoin Comic

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my work. Especially those who made it all the way down here. :P

Written by Robert B Kirkpatrick for Steemit.
Please read more of my work at Neopatriarch's Steem Page

Tips can be sent by Bitcoin with the QR code below.


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