Comic: Is Life Boring? [Includes In-Progress Shots!]

001 - 11.png


Wanted to try something a little different today~

Anybody who knows anybody who knows me knows that I normally draw in the mayngas style:
mayngas evedence.png

But I've been re-reading some old Sonic comics because AAAA GETTIN' SUCKED BACK INTO THE SONIC FANDOM, THE NOSTALGIA IS REAL <333
I wanted to see if I could draw something more... like... American?? LOL

It was a little weird doing the speech bubbles this way, but I like how they fit :3c
I have no idea what the heck I'm doing with the non-background backgrounds though LMAO XDD

Also the. All the white space. In between the panels. Where the panels don't overlap?? It's weird XDD
Not used to setting up the panels like this, but I do like the final result 😂

The process was really fun, too! Here's the four basic stages:

001 - 9.png
001 - 10.png

Aaaaand while I'm on the topic and showing the various stages, guess I ought to mention, I'm going to try to see if I can set up doing timelapse videos of my work every day or every other day or so. Kinda depends on how long it'd take to edit the videos afterwards and such.

I used to be able to post a single comic page every day a few years back, but my drawings weren't as detailed or polished back then, and if this page is any indication, that probably isn't totally feasible to do one every day. 😅

Even if I could draw it every day, I'm pretty scattered when it comes to plotlines ^^;;

That being said, I will be posting a lot more art in the following weeks, and hey, maybe if my posts do alright I can hire a writer and get a cool little series going here.

Cuz yeah this page? I have no real idea what would happen after this. It's basically just a comic summarizing Rhont's personality xD

Speaking of, I haven't really explained these characters at all - they're my old Sonic OCs from back in the day, except Rhonts and Khris got MAJOR design overhauls.
Tomas (the bat sitting at the table) is basically the only character to go untouched XD

In the original version, Rhonts was basically an edgy Sonadow lovechild, and Khris was just Female!Knuckles:


Although, technically this comic would take place in an AU totally different from the original story I had them in. Because in that one, they all meet because of horrific kidnapping shenanigans :D
I wrote weird stuff as a teen, shut up :v

Anyway, in this version, they're just some friends. They hang out. Rhonts never learned his lesson about not complaining about a lack of magical adventures so he probably keeps complaining about being bored for a while in this AU XD
Also Khris is a human now because... well my brother pointed out that Echidnas are cannonically extinct, and I didn't feel like actually putting effort into redesigning her to not look like Knuckles.

Anyway, sorry for rambling so much there :v
Future comic posts probably won't be so wordy, but I kinda wanna make posts showing the process for the individual pages (so in the future I wanna talk more about that then all this rambly junk I did in this post LOL), then when they're all done, make one post for all the pages so it's easier to link to other sites with x)

But, until next time, I'll see y'all later! o v o)/


Okay so. I thought today was the last day of school.
Turns out it's next Monday.


Anyway, so I guess I won't OFFICIALLY start my plans until next week, but... I'M STILL DRAWING THIS WEEK! -indignant pouting-
Not sure if said drawings will be used to give myself some extra buffer time or if I'll just upload them as I make them, but we'll see how it goes :v

ugh, and I was SO looking forward to officially starting my artsy stuff this week x(
Oh well, one more week won't kill me :P

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