Comic Crossovers That Really Happened - The Incredible Hulk meets Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame from 1983


The Incredible Hulk versus Quasimodo #1 (March 1983) by Marvel Comics
Story by Billl Mantlo, Art by Sal Buscema and Steven Mitchell.  Bruce Banner and Betty Ross are in Paris for a conference at the Academy of Science; passing the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Betty spies a figure atop the structure but Bruce assures her she merely imagined it. It was no delusion, however: it was Quasimodo, descendant of Victor Hugo’s original and he spotted the key on a chain around Betty’s neck (good eyesight, huh?) that will open the door to vast riches for the misshapen monster. At the conference, Bruce meets with Professor Jacques Royale who gives him a box containing a formula he requested; as they head toward Bruce’s lecture hall, Quasimodo leaps out of a manhole and carries Betty off into the sewers.  This synopsis written by Peter Silvestro, taken from
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