Copper Age Classic Comic Book - Spider-Man guest-starring Wolverine from 1991


Spider-Man #8-12 Storyline Set (1991) by Marvel Comics

8 (March 1991)
Perceptions: Part 1 of 5. Wolverine cameo. Story, art and cover by Todd McFarlane. A killer is stalking the Canadian wilderness. J. Jonah Jameson sends his best photographer, Peter Parker, to scoop the story. Meanwhile, someone else has decided that the murderer must be stopped before another innocent dies.

9 (April 1991)
Perceptions: Part 2 of 5. Guest-starring Wolverine. Story, art and cover by Todd McFarlane. A small Canadian town is locked in the grip of fear as a mysterious killer continues to prowl the surrounding woods. Daily Bugle photographer, Peter Parker, is on assignment to shed light on the story. Meanwhile, the feral X-Man, Wolverine, continues to hunt down the mysterious killer. When a group of overzealous hunters stumble upon a slumbering Wendigo, how long before the blood starts to floe?

10 (May 1991)
Perceptions: Part 3 of 5. Guest-starring Wolverine. Story, art and cover by Todd McFarlane. A posse of hunters has attacked the slumbering Wendigo believing him to be the serial murder that stalks the woods. Can Wolverine quell the beast's rage and prevent more bloodshed? Meanwhile, Peter Parker comes across some more clues that may lead to the real killer. NOTE: Due to McFarlane being sick some the inks for this issue were done by Rob Liefeld, Jim Lee, Scott Williams, and Rick Magyar.

11 (June 1991)
Perceptions: Part 4 of 5. Guest-starring Wolverine. Story, art and cover by Todd McFarlane. Spider-Man and Wolverine have combined their efforts to find the murderer who has been terrorizing a small Canadian town. While the feral X-Man works feverishly to save the life of the mortally wounded and wrongly accused Wendigo, Spider-Man and his alter ego, Peter Parker, take on the press and local law.

12 (July 1991)
Perceptions: Part 5 of 5. Guest-starring Wolverine. Sasquatch and Puck (of Alpha Flight) cameo. Story, art and cover by Todd McFarlane. At last...the killer stands revealed! When Wolverine and the monstrous Wendigo catch up to this baby killer can Spider-Man keep them from crossing the line? More to the point...should he? NOTE: Scott Williams inked 2 pages in this issue.
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 * Bronze Age Classic Comic Book - Daredevil from 1977

 * Comic Books from the 90s - Wolverine from 1995

 * Copper Age Classic Comic Book - Marvel Tales from 1991

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