Donation of school supplies to the children of the Argelia Laya School thanks to the support of the Steemit Community

Greetings Cordial to the entire community of Steemit, before starting I want to thank my God who has given me the opportunity to continue breathing this eternal air that fills my lungs and gives life to my heart that appreciates that heartbeat when I wake up, to be able to keep fighting and give the best of me, thank my God for such a beautiful blessing.

I would also like to thank @karinxxl who donated some Steem Dollars for the DudeLand project (Land of Friends) which were used to purchase school supplies. For me it is a great pleasure to have the support of people like @karinxxl who do not hesitate to offer their help without receiving anything in return, without more than saying, from my heart I thank you for being that Angel that accompanies us in every step we take. We give, I know that you are far away but we know that you are in every inch of what we do, all this is possible thanks to your great help that God bless you always.

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This morning the delivery of School Supplies was made in the Argelia Laya Educational Unit located in the Julia State Aragua (Venezuela). This time we had the opportunity to deliver 100 Combos of School Supplies which had 1 notebook, 1 Draft, 1 Pencil sharpener and 2 Pencils to 100 children of this institution which were selected by their teachers, to be able to choose those that really need it.




At the time of delivering the supplies I could see how grateful the children and their teachers were when they received those tools that for them are the key to a better future. Between smiles and thanks, the delivery of the supplies was developed and without a doubt I can assure you that it is something that my team and I can feel proud of and it is something we want to continue doing.

You could feel the joy of each of the children to receive such a precious gift, for them it has a great value because it is a necessary tool to build their future, I also had the great surprise that this time the parents attended with their children , they were very grateful and also showed curiosity about the contribution we are making, for me it was very gratifying to see this as it is the first time we brought parents and children together and we showed that with the support of an entire Community (Steemit) it was possible to achieve All this.





We took a moment to talk with the representatives and tell them a little about what we are doing, carrying that message of union, solidarity and most importantly Love.

The Director of the School also contributed giving a small talk about what is for him the support between communities and with his heart in his hand he thanked infinitely everything we are doing with our help.




Children are the future of any country, nation or community, they are the generation of relief and they need all the support from us so that they can build their future. Many of these children have dreams that they would like to make real such as doctors, teachers, scientists, architects, athletes, to achieve this they must be trained in the schools that are the second home of these children, since at home those people are formed with values that they will be good people in the future, the key is education.



For me it is a pleasure to be able to share this with all my followers and the Steemit Community that with their grain of sand have made this dream possible, and I invite you to continue supporting this type of projects.

Also within Steemit there are endless projects that like this (Land of friends) have great ideas, others that are in full growth as well as some projects with more humanitarian purposes that really leave the name of steemit at the most high of the world filling the entire community with pride. These projects generate enough energy in this platform to continue working on innovative projects. This brings a great responsibility, since our most loyal followers are waiting for good content and ideas that can help us grow as a group and we can share this knowledge with the other users that make up the Steemit family.

We can build a tower of ideas and turn them into reality, if we focus on what we want it sounds like something that only happens in movies but the truth is that in Steemit dreams can come true, with motivation and vision to the future to achieve what we want.


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No more to say, I say goodbye to all of you, Not forgetting @nikflossus for your unconditional support since the beginning of my DudeLand project, because without your help I could not have advanced so fast, he took the time to read my POST and to offer that Help that I needed so much, inviting me to the healing that the @whaleshares #thecurationlounge group performs at heart I am totally grateful to you. I also thank @drakos @krazykrista that they are an important part of all this I am creating since they have taken the time to know the situation within my country and have offered me and continue to offer their unconditional help, again thank you very much! Last but not least, the entire Steemit community for the support they have given me.

Thank you very much and may God bless you all

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