Introducing BuddyUP | The Minnow Community

Do you feel like a large portion of Steemits newcomers and lower SP users crave for the votes of the Dolphins and Whales of our community?

Do you dislike the idea of Voting Bots and think that there is a lack of connection between yourself and the number of Bots your signed up for?

Well they are Bots.

Maybe you enjoy talking to AI and feel like you are forming a strong meaningful friendship there, who am I to judge?

You might be finding it hard to connect with people on Steemit and you just need to find a community where the main focus is connecting with other people at your level with the effort to all grow together.

Enter BuddyUP

BuddyUP’s main purpose is to bring together the Minnows of the community and give us the opportunity to meet and learn about each other so that we can gain more friendships and connections across the platform.


There are many factors that users try to keep on top of when using Steemit.

It’s quite easy to burn out and lose interest when you have too much going on and you aren’t getting any exposure on your hard work.

The best experiences you will have will be centered around the people you have connected with and the users who show a genuine interest in you, and your content.

Everybody can gaze at the Trending feed and look at the users who have gained high payouts for their posts. They can sit and ask ‘Why?!’ all day and night and start questioning their existence on Steemit. The fact of the matter is, these users have connected with many people across the site and have friendships that they have had for months and months.

Think ahead

If you look at where we are right now in the timeline of Steemit, we are in the infancy of something very special. We have many months to come where we can grow our support network and in time we will all see the rewards that more influencial users are seeing now.

If we grow.

We are all early adopters here right now, I would encourage you to head over to @taskmaster4450 's blog and check out some of his futurism posts about his thoughts about Steemit in the future. He has strengthened my belief in the platform and I'm sure he will do the same for you.

In the years to come, Steemit has the potential to grow exponentially and by growing your friendships you’ll not only enjoy being on the platform more, you’ll also be able to help others enjoy the platform.

So what's the script?

Our plan for BuddyUP is to run a Discord server for the community where members are randomly given a name of another member every other day.

You can then learn about the other person and what they are interested in, they may be newer to the platform and they might need some tips to get over the steep learning curve that is Steemit, maybe you are newer than them and they could be involved in some communities that you would fit well into.

Every other day you will be finding out about somebody new and over time you will gain relationships with others that you might never of stumbled onto.

Everyday we will feature 1 user in the ‘catch-of-the-day’ channel and users will have the opportunity to check out what that person has got going on.

We will have a guide channel that is full of handy posts designed to get Minnows through the Steemit struggles.

There is also room for any more ideas that you may have, I do not know it all. The community is built around us.

Building each other up and supporting what we all individually do is what matters.


The aim is to work on our relationships with each other so that we all grow together. Regardless of the voting power that we have at the time.

If you contemplate for a minute, we may all be Minnows now and our voting power may not be powerful, but if we continue to develop our relationships and we stick together over the coming years, think about where we might all be. Not to mention what we can do for the newcomers that keep coming to the platform.

Let me ask you this…

Would you rather have a $5 vote from somebody who drops by your post out of the blue, once in a blue moon, and they don’t even leave any feedback on your hard work?

Or 20+ votes from your friends from BuddyUP who all spark interesting conversation in your comments section?

BuddyUP will benefit anybody who wants to make lasting friendships with people in the community and it will give you the chance to meet people you might never of spoken to by just dropping in messages to a general chat.

So what do you think?

We have our Discord Server set up and the plan is to bring in interested people to the server so they can throw ideas out there and question anything that might benefit the start of the project. After all, it is a project for you, your ideas matter.

If you are interested and you have below 2000SP you can join the server and start getting to know the group. The username generation will be implemented over the next week or so but it doesn’t stop you getting involved from the get go.

Post any questions or comments you have below. I'll see you in the BuddyUP Discord server!

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