Looking for Support, Finding Friends

Walking around the land before we finish packing up our home, waves of gratitude wash over me.


The river is strong with recent rains, her water runs cold and her banks are saturated with earth tones.

The lush green of the Pacific waterleaf and trilliums underneath long fronds of ferns, water droplets falling on their blades from moss carpeting maple trees-- pure Pacific NorthWest magic.

We have been very blessed to live beside the river and have access to this rich nature. The space and ability that land gives humans is inspiring. So many projects can be done when these resources are available...

Out here in the foothills of Mt. Jefferson, most of our life is spent out of cell service and kept busy with home and property upkeep.

It definitely takes a lot of time to keep a simple life rolling when you are working towards self sufficiency. When most of your daily routine is contained on a single property, there is little need for reaching out unless help is needed.


But what about when you need to connect with outside sources for help and expertise?

This very idea of being welcome to call out for help when it's needed is vital for individuals within a community to thrive. Without extra hands to help, many gardens and projects would be left to the weeds.

When @notconvinced and I started talking about bringing more community engagement to steemit, we got excited about the idea to help make things happen.

When diverse individuals meet up and work together to help support one another, personal growth and learning is unstoppable.

That's why @s-h-e-p was created: Steemit’s Hospitality Engagement Platform.


When we have a common space to share both our calls for help as well as our requests of welcome homes for helpful friends, we take the power of personal growth and community learning into our own hands.

Think of all the possibilities from combining our power as individuals into a mutually supportive whole.


We have the ability now to create long lasting helpful and educational relationships, we just have to organize ourselves.

That’s why we decided to help the community organize through curated tags:

#kin-shep dedicated to the hosts looking for help or offering a home

#shep-heard dedicated to the community helpers or travelers.

Through supplying the framework, we bring structure and support through curation, resteeming, and engaging with articles building upon this frame. The @kin-shep and @shep-heard accounts have been made purely to support the @s-h-e-p community; sharing important info and curating lists of posts from their specific tags.

S-H-E-P is like an interactive decentralized worldwide community bulletin board for friends in need.

Steemit users who want friends to come to their place and lend a hand in their projects can simply tag their post with #kin-shep to send out their request. Whether you’re requesting for skilled teachers to help instruct workshops on your land, or requesting a friend to stay and help with household chores-- the @kin-shep community is here to help!

When our steemit kin speak their needs, our SHEP-heard listens!

Steemit users who want to travel to a fellow kin’s place and help them out in trade for accomodation can simply tag their post with #shep-heard to engage with kin.

Whether you are a traveler looking for a resting spot for the night or a nomadic steemian who prefers a longer stay with locals during their travels, even a friend seeking decentralized networking for active and educational relationships, the @shep-heard community is here to help!


My partner and I look forward to engaging with the @s-h-e-p community in our travels, possibly even through some upcoming building projects in Tennessee…

In our travels the most memorable and enjoyable times were spent with friends we met along the way. These types of relationships are not just passing by moments, but definitive engagement and true connection with other humans.

I got into traveling to experience the world from another perspective.

Being able to share cultural bits and learn from each other while working together to bring more balance and ease into the world? Yes, please

Can you think of anything better for a community than generosity of resources, knowledge and mutual support?

When we are able to help each other as a community, we are supporting the growth and well being of individuals. Not only do we gain affordable support in projects, we have the opportunity to create long lasting supportive relationships with individuals around the world.

Get involved with your cross-continental community, help yourself!

Till next time,

be sweet, stay wild

This post is an OFFICIAL PORT on @dreemsteem's "X Marks the Post" Treasure Hunt.  If you'd like to become a treasure hunter, an official stop, or a sponsor - Follow the map to begin your journey! By the way, she loves good comments even more than upvotes - so be sure to say Hi! 


All photos + dividers by @coyoteom


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