There is this one thing that really needs to be addressed. One of the most community driven and generous guy on steemit with the whole WhaleShare project behind him was downvoted yesterday by the CEO of Steemit, ned, with no explanation at all. Is Ned downvoting these posts on behalf of the company or it is personal? For some, WhaleShares is vote-buying scheme, but that is not true at all. These tokens are being given out by participating in the contests so you don't even have to buy them.

Were the flags justified? Probably not as there was no comment on why he flagged it and we should demand answers and explaining of his latest actions. We should know why a guy with such a huge stake flagged those posts. They were downvoted to zero and they had post-payout worth more than 300$ each. Those money would be used to build projects and they would be also used for giveaways and helping the small people. Many of those projects are helping people out even out of the steemit platform, like HairShares.

There was a conversation between ned and OfficialFuzzy on skype and ned liked the idea of WhaleTank. Everyone should know the truth. I put there just the most important ones, but you can find the rest of the screenshots if you will really look for it.

A lot of people are really wondering what is going on. I made this post mostly to support OfficialFuzzy in his fight. He shows many people the right way and also his true intentions that are really good and helps bitshares, steem and also EOS. Fuzzy is really friendly man and you would know it, if you would be on the Whaleshares discord. He wants steem to thrive, not to destroy it. Those WhaleTank and BeyondBits hangouts brought a lot of people on steemit and they were actually the beginning of steemit itself.

Please ned, we all can see your activity on steemit. We can see that you vote and read the posts that are here. However you are still ignoring the flags that you given and that is not nice of you. I think it is really unfair from you and I am not the only one who is thinking same. These people are the hearth of steemit. Don't just ignore them.

Those are some of the posts and you can find even comments talking about the downvotes on the posts itself.

But even with all of this, WhaleShares project is not going anywhere. It only made the building the project harder in general.

I want to talk about one other thing. Ned is very active nowadays on steemit and you can pretty much see everything on the blockchain. He is giving upvotes, but he is still ignoring the fact that he just flagged three of officialfuzzy's posts, one from dan that had declined payout set on it and one from cryptofreedom that was upvoted by dan himself. I see some kind of clash between dan and ned and hopefully everything will be resolved as soon as possible and with the least destroying way. :)

Thank you!
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