A One of a Kind Gift!

There was this moment about three years ago when the Yeti, @freedompoint, went to "good game" me in the store...

But it wasn't me!

Standing there in the produce department, just trying to pick out a sandwich for dinner, was @borrowedearth.

The poor Yeti saw a woman that was my heighth with long brown dreads and assumed it was me! Little did he know, another crazy dreaded lady had moved into our area!

Fortunately, he caught himself just in time!

Well, if you know him at all, you know he's a talker who has never met a stranger.

So, we learned, standing there next to the strawberries, that she had started homesteading with her love not far from us. We were eager to start creating community with other like-minded people, so it was great to get to know them!

Now, especially through this past winter, we've visited more. I love getting to know her life story! And I'm even more excited to see what this next chapter of life holds for her!

She had mentioned before that she had wanted to crochet me a hat that fit my dreads, and I got to see a glimpse of it in a post...but today it was done, and she surprised me with it!

A one of a kind crocheted hat to hold my dreads!

She even helped me to put it on...I have so much hair!

So, thank you for sharing this special moment with me! I'm sure I'll have it forever!

With much love,
Stacie D

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